We are committed to conduct business in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and the highest ethical standards.
Whistleblowing Program
Whistleblowing channel has been established both internally and externally. This Policy provides a transparent channel to ensure employees are on guard against irregularity and misdemeanour which affect the interest of the Company, and encourage employees to report their suspicions of fraud, irregularity or misdemeanour without fear of reprisals, and any employees who makes a disclosure under ‘whistleblowing’ in good faith will not be penalised or suffer any adverse treatment for doing so.
This policy also provides an avenue for our customers, outsourced service providers, vendors, procurements and members of the public to disclose any improper conduct of PLB’s employees in accordance with the procedures as provided for under Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, and to give assurance that such information from the whistleblower will be treated in strict confidence without risk of reprisals on the whistleblower.
The Whistleblower can report improper conduct via:-
a) E-mail reporting channel
Kindly complete and submit the whistleblowing form via email to the email address below OR alternatively, send the details of the misconduct to the same email address as below:
b) Mail reporting channel
The whistleblowing form should be mailed to our head office, addressed to Head of Human Resource & Administration in a sealed envelope marked “Private and Confidential”. Kindly refer to the example as below:
Head of Human Resource & Administration
Level 17, Menara Great Eastern 2,
50 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Whistleblowing form: Whistleblowing Form
A whistleblower will be accorded with confidentiality of identity and assurance that PLB has an independent investigation process to investigate all whistleblowing reports. Investigations into his report will be carried out based on investigation protocol which accords with the principles of fairness, independence and propriety.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Pac Lease Berhad (hereinafter referred to as “PLB”) is committed to the highest level of integrity from its employees in all their dealings. PLB has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bribery and corruption. Any corruption, bribery/questionable practices by PLB’s employees are a serious violation of the Company’s policy and will be treated seriously and shall be dealt with swiftly in a fair but firm manner.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy has been developed to ensure that Bribery and Corruption are not taking place within our directly employed workforce as well as any of our outsourced service providers, vendors and procurements.
ABC Policy Summary: ABC Policy Summary
Pac Lease Berhad recognises its obligation to cooperate with and support regulators in their efforts to prevent, detect and control financial crime, and to comply with AML/CFT laws and regulation. We take all reasonable and appropriate steps to prevent persons engaged in money laundering and terrorism financing from utilising our products and services. We have proper policies, processes and controls in place to deter money laundering and other financial crimes against our clients and stakeholders.
The following are some of the principles govern Pac Lease’s approach to manage Anti-Money Laundering risks:
- Compliance with AML laws and regulations;
- Cooperation with and support of regulators and law enforcement agencies in their efforts to prevent, detect and control financial crime;
- Serving customers and providing products and services consistent with Pac Lease Berhad AML risk appetite and commitment to responsible finance and the highest ethical standards
Personal Data Protection Act 2010 was enacted by the Malaysian Government to regulate the processing of personal data in commercial transactions in order to safeguard an individual’s personal data..
Pac Lease Berhad Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, maintain and disclose your personal data in respect of commercial transactions and how we safeguard the personal data.
For Privacy Policy in English version, please visit
For Privacy Policy in Malay version, please visit